The Transition – To Take…or not to take time off before your start
Three Possible Scenarios as you Transition into Practice Post-Training Scenario #1 I completed my residency on Friday and moved a great distance to start my fellowship job on Monday. I had two days to transition into my new role as a fellow. Scenario #2 Upon finishing...
Designing Your Life and Career in Medicine – Your Blueprint for Building a Rewarding Life
The best part of my job is interviewing residents and watching as gears begin to turn in their minds when I ask: What made you decide that you wanted to be a doctor? What is your purpose in life? What legacy are you creating? Which position in your field...
Financial Life Planning-The secret to becoming a doctor
The First Paycheck At the end of June after you graduate from residency, if you start working right away, you may experience “sticker shock” when your first paycheck lands into your bank account. Whether you ever become wealthy or not depends on what you decide to do with that...
Understanding Employment Terms and Conditions
Understanding Employment Terms and Conditions It’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with common terminology found in an employment contract. Knowledge of employment contracts enables you to: Become familiar with the different sections of a contract Interact with a potential...
Two Doctors Married… But Separated
It’s the happiest day of your life! Your wedding day… Best. Day. Ever. Smiles, hugs, the white gown, the champagne, the first dance, the cake, and the limo. Laughter peels through the air. Fleeting memories of vows and eager faces, music hanging in the air. Although, you could...
The Art of Physician Negotiation
Negotiating Your Contract When the negotiation is complete, it's very difficult to go back and try to renegotiate terms that have already been agreed upon. We recommend that you communicate effectively during this process. In the event the terms are not agreeable, you need to...
Decision Analysis Applied to Job Selection
antivirus internet security software Before you decide to accept a physician job offer, you might be filled with excitement, dread or worry. After all, it’s an enormous commitment. How can you be sure you’re making the right decision? Maybe you’ll get lucky… you’ll apply to...
Physician Compensation – analyzing each compensation factor
Recently, a Family Medicine candidate received two offers, one employer located in Chicago and the 2nd employer located in Rockford, Illinois – a community of 150,000 located 90 minutes to Chicago. The employer in Chicago offered a starting salary of $165,000 and the employer...
Physician CV Writing Tips: How to Beef Up a Skinny CV
Writing a physician CV is a daunting task no matter where you’re at in your career, but it can be especially challenging if you’re a resident on the brink of graduation. It’s common to have nagging feelings of inadequacy or uncertainty after you’ve put your accomplishments to...
The Art of Professional Storytelling – CV Building for Physicians
Though we’ve covered the basics of writing an effective physician CV, it’s always good to have a refresher on the basics. This is especially true if you’ve just finished crafting your physician CV and are ready to send it out — a final proofreading is always in order. Here are...