What is a Balanced Physician?

What is a Balanced Physician?

When I started the balanced physician program in 2004, I did it with the goal in mind to help physicians have more work life balance. At that time I offered the program to the market place but it wasn’t ready for it except the physicians who felt burned out and had the strong...

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General Surgeon Shortage

General Surgeon Shortage

Many rural hospitals are receiving notices or are anticipating retirement plans from their general surgeon(s). This has been expected, yet has been overshadowed by the struggle to recruit and keep primary care providers. All areas of the United States will suffer a shortage of...

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Healthcare Reform and Your Interview

Healthcare Reform and Your Interview

One of the new initiatives in healthcare reform is called the Affordable Care Act (ACA) which requires that all participating hospitals and clinics be reimbursed by Medicare based on the quality of care they provide. This initiative, called Value Based Purchasing (VBP) gathers...

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