Running out of energy instead of time
Yesterday was one of those days when I had a lot of plans for the evening. While planning my day in the morning, I decided that after work I would wash clothes, vacuum the house, and get our guest bedroom ready before our friends arrive tomorrow. I estimated that the work would...
From Doctor-Centered to Patient-Centered Care
Growing up, I always thought of hospitals as having a certain mystique that was impenetrable to the outside world. White-coated figures paraded through long hallways that had a permanent antiseptic smell. People spoke in hushed tones except for the loudspeaker that blasted...
Take the Fear out of Malpractice Lawsuits
How To Get Your Ex Back In 30 Days Book Being an excellent clinician is no guarantee against malpractice claims. An article in the American Medical News last month reported that even though most physicians will be sued at least once during their career, the majority of cases...
The Best Way To Find And Choose A Good Career Coach?
Are You A Physician Who Needs Help With Your Non-clinical Career Search? how to get your ex back Have you been thinking about transitioning for a while and are you considering hiring a coach to help you? Here’s some advice for choosing the right person to help you. Know who’s...
What does work-life balance mean for you?
If you had to write a prescription for balance for your patients, what would you include? Greater effectiveness at work? More time to play? Better relationships with others, as well as his/her self? Or all of the above? Like other prescriptions, a prescription for balance is...
Are you a Master of Change or a Victim of Change?
You’ve been working hard for a long time. Pretty much as long as you can remember. Now all that hard work is paying off, right? You have a job you absolutely love, you’re making loads of money, you have ample time to enjoy your friends and family and you can’t remember a time...
How to Minimize or Prevent the Risk of Depression and Anxiety Disorder in Doctors
How to Minimize or Prevent the Risk of Depression and Anxiety Disorder in Doctors cheap software downloads oem The physician’s mental wellness is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, factor which can affect the quality of their treatment as well as their relationship with...
How To Find The Best Policy Over the last couple of decades, the disability insurance for physicians industry has become so highly specialized that it has consolidated itself among a relatively few number of companies that offer a competitive product. This makes choosing a...
Physician, Seek Help–Don’t Just Heal Thyself
Physician, Seek Help--Don't Just Heal Thyself In my second year of medical school, I attended a reading by Dr. Abraham Verghese, a physician, writer, and humanist. He had just written a book, The Tennis Partner, that was about his friend and then-medical student who lost a slow...
The New Year Is A Time For Reflection
Make Time for Reflection Mr. Sherlock Holmes had a way of solving difficult puzzles. His methods give us a glimpse into the power of mindfulness and reflection. Recent research shows that in as little as 15 minutes a day, we can create impressive changes in how we think and...