Market Driven HealthCare – What you need to know before searching for a position
Work Smarter, Not Harder: Knowing the Players and Rules to the Game of Healthcare and Understanding Market-Driven Healthcare can be a Game-Changer in your job-search process. When you first thought of becoming a physician, you were, of course, focused on the obvious: doing...
The Medical Relationship – Collaborating with your Partner in Career and Life
Getting to Know You and Your Relationships: Cultivating Your Personal Partnerships as a Physician The center of a physician’s job is the doctor-patient relationship. Without a healthy one, the physician is unable to help the patient make meaningful changes in their life to...
An Apple a Day Keeps the Burnout Away: Why it’s Vital to Be Well as a Physician
We’ve heard a lot about the syndrome of Burnout that plagues the medical community. Like many diseases of opportunity, however, there are vaccines and preventative steps those at risk can take to delay or even prevent the onset of something as insidious and potentially deadly...
Getting to Know the Details of Burnout: Knowing the Signs of Burnout Will Make the Devil you Know Less Intimidating
Burnout is a term that is used frequently in medical education today, with some studies noting that up to 70% of residents in training meet criteria for the disorder per the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI). While that statistic is startling…..what does this actually mean? The...
Almost Done with Residency… Now What?
Series 1 of 6 Congratulations. You are almost done with Residency and now the REALLY HARD work, along with the rewards, begin. You are among the best trained in the world to practice...
8 Memory-Boosting Tips for Medical Students Appearing for USMLE
The first step of the U.S. Medical Licensing Examination process, otherwise known as, USMLE Step 1 is conducted to gauge a candidate’s ability to apply their theoretical knowledge and concepts while practicing medicine. The USMLE Step1 exam covers areas like anatomy,...
3 Financial Life Cycles of Physicians
As a young medical student, you cannot wait to graduate and get to residency. A huge paycheck awaits. Maybe you are sitting there reading this and you are now transitioned to practice. You’re struggling with financial decisions. You are wondering whether you should put money...
Think Small to Cast a Wider Job Search Net
Have you ever taken a vacation and felt that wonderful “getting away” feeling that comes with the peace and quiet of beautiful landscapes, waterways and down home friendly people? If you enjoy a slower paced lifestyle with less stress and want to go where people know you and...
3 Common Financial Pitfalls of Residents & Fellows
Imagine this, picture this. You’re finally done with medical school! Dreams of reclaiming your time & diving into your profession, doing what you love are filling you with more and more excitement. You’re going to get paid! Well… maybe, not a whole lot, but you are still...
3 Money-Saving Tips for Young Physicians To Unlock Their First Home Purchase
It’s almost that time of the year again! The snow is almost done falling. It’s melting into big puddles for our kids to stomp in. The birds and bees are coming back out. The trees are budding. Spring is upon us. As many residents and fellows are inking their first contract,...