How To Calm Your Senses Before Surgery
I’ve always marveled at the focus, concentration and unflappability of experienced surgeons. The amount of calm they exude even outside surgery is remarkable. Having watched them from the sidelines for close to 5 years, their sense of composure is something that I aspire to. I...
Top Healthcare Job Search Sites and Apps
Searching for a job in healthcare can be overwhelming. No matter where you are in your career, from just out of training to nearing retirement, it’s difficult to know where to start. Searching for a job can be particularly frustrating if you are already working long days and...
Physician Burnout vs. Fulfillment – Why it’s Not a Fair Fight
Why does having a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment as a modern doctor seem like such a struggle at times? There is an invisible battle going on, day-by-day between our search for a Fulfilling Career in Medicine and the hidden forces of Professional Burnout. What is...
4 Debt Elimination Programs Every Resident and Fellow Must Know
You’re in bed, tossing and turning. You can’t sleep. You feel like you are in a financial prison, constrained by the shackles of debt and trying to still have fun and enjoy life, but every month is hard and you feel like you are just getting by. Perhaps, you feel like you are...
Work-Life Balance Priorities for Younger Doctors
Are younger doctors (particularly age 40 and under) different in what they expect in terms of work-life balance? Younger doctors definitely have different expectations in terms of work life balance but I believe this is not a “doctor mindset” but rather a “generation mindset”....
Is medical school an anti-mentorship program?
“Medical school is a great anti-mentorship program. You meet a lot of doctors you’d never want to become.” That’s what med students keep telling me. Mentorless medical students? I had no idea. Until students started shadowing me. Many also volunteer at hospice and free clinics....
Five Smart Ways to Cut Your Income Taxes in 2015
Today’s world is an incredibly tax-unfriendly & environment for physicians. By increasing your taxes due to the provisions of the Affordable Care Act, Uncle Sam is out to get even more! However, the good news is that there are several steps that you can take to be proactive...
Practice-Building Lessons from the Blueberry Farm
My son and I pick blueberries each summer. Sounds like a nice relaxing family activity, right? It was in years past. Now, however, my son is a highly competitive adolescent who wants to win. Even though I am no slouch, my son can pick two to three pounds of berries in the...
How you can stop annoyance or frustrations quickly
Are you feeling frustrated or annoyed more frequently? Feeling frustration or annoyance frequently can be a major energy drainer in your life. It sucks everything out of you and many times it is hard to recover from this setback. Here is a neuroscientific trick that can...
Meet the happiest doctor in Idaho!
I just got to hang out with a graduate of my physician retreat, Ann Cordum, M.D., who now has a successful ideal medical clinic is Boise, Idaho. Here’s what Ann has to say about her new life: PW: So this is your office! AC: This is my office in Boise, Idaho! Ya! PW: So tell me...