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When following an adventure trail, a straight line is always the easiest route from Point A to Point B, but when planning your job search, you must blaze a new trail.  Without a well developed plan, you may end up traveling in circles, running into dead ends, or finishing last in line. Your journey is […]

The usefulness of online social networking is undeniable and it’s no surprise that we as individuals are embracing it. Social networks are communications media and a part of everyday life. They can be valuable tools in gathering and disseminating news and  information. They also create some potential hazards we need to recognize. These tools have […]

On our paths to becoming doctors, we learn in-depth details about many things: the Krebs cycle, how many bones are in the human foot and how to tell the difference between bronchitis and emphysema. But we get very little in the way of learning how to prepare for a career. There’s no instruction in medical […]

FINANCE BASICS: Trekking unprepared through a parched, dusty DESERT is a dangerous proposition.  But with good planning, even the most driest patches on the planet can be tamed and so can your finances. Every physician faces financial challenges, whether struggling with a job change, a looming tax bill, school loans, a loss, or major family […]

When entering the job market, residents and fellows commonly make the mistake of not considering a few factors that have a tremendous impact on the career goals they hope to achieve. Too often, we see residents making the mistake of taking the first job presented, being too picky about their opportunities, waiting until the last […]