Physician Compensation: Is Private Practice Financially Feasible?
For many years, private practice was a viable and attractive option for physicians who value autonomy and independence. In addition to having a great deal of control, there is no cap on physician compensation for owners of private practices. Despite the drawbacks of high risk...
Getting the Most Out of Conferences and Physician Career Fairs
If you’ve ever been to a conference or physician career fair, you know that it’s sort of like a real fair (the ones with animals, balloons and cotton candy). There are dizzying amounts of people, lots of booths and tons of free giveaways. If you’re lucky, you can probably find...
Physician Compensation: How Financial Freedom Makes Life Richer
Though residents and fellows have a lot to think about when transitioning to practice, physician compensation is a biggie. We receive tons of questions from new physicians about the business side of medicine, and a good deal of them relate to money, whether directly or...
5 Ways to Simplify Your Life Before Your Doctor Career Transition
After graduating from residency, you’ll probably want to make like Rip Van Winkle and fall asleep for several days (if not years). The time after residency and before the first job of your doctor career is definitely a good time to catch up on rest, but it’s also a good time to...
Healthcare Reform Impact on Physicians: Staying Positive
You’ve probably heard your fair share (or more) about the healthcare reform impact on physicians. It goes without saying that healthcare reform has created a ton of buzz, and if you’re studying to be a physician, much of that buzz can be negative. There are few things more...
5 Reasons to Start Your Physician Job Search Early
When it comes to your physician job search, there are all kinds of reasons to procrastinate. “Residency is too overwhelming!” “I don’t have enough time!” and “I’d rather wait until later, when I have a better idea of my priorities” are all semi-legitimate excuses. But the fact...
Doctor Career: Transitioning From Residency to Practice
Dear Dr. Goodhook, I’ll be graduating from residency before I know it, and to be honest, I’m incredibly nervous. I feel like my life has had a very clear trajectory up until this point. I graduated from high school and college with flying colors, then went on to perform well in...
Physician Jobs: Ways to Approach Your Job Search
If you’re searching for your first job after residency, knowing how to find positions can be a little challenging. There are many different ways to go about searching for a physician job, and each of them have pros and cons. Depending on your personality, schedule and desired...
Physician Salary: 5 Tips for the Newly Graduated Resident
Graduating from residency and landing your first job isn’t just exciting — it’s a huge milestone. With that milestone comes a regular physician salary, which is one of the things you’ve worked so hard for over the years. During the first few months (or years) of regular...
Balancing Marriage and Relationships With Your Doctor Career
No matter what your profession is, marriage and personal relationships can be a source of stress. For physicians, however, maintaining healthy personal relationships can be especially trying — even more so if you’re in a dual-physician relationship (many doctors are). But why?...