Employment Law For Physicians

Discovery Resource # ST-32
Resource Topic: Contracts and Negotiation
Planning Tools: Survival Tool
Career Phase: Learn
Description: Understanding the contract review process
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Today, more and more physicians find themselves employed by hospitals and groups rather than as equity owners in medical practices. As employees, physicians have less control over their day-to-day practices and careers, heightening the importance of choosing a practice that is a good fit for the physician.
This chapter provides a general overview of the major considerations for reviewing and evaluating employment contracts. Also, the chapter will help you determine whether to review the agreement on your own or consult with a trusted advisor or attorney. For those who choose to hire an attorney, you’ll learn how to set parameters, control cost, and communicate desired deliverables.
  • To understand basic employment terms and definitions commonly used in contracts and negotiations.
  • To define attorney parameters and set a budget.
  • To secure an attorney who specializes in Physician Employment Agreements prior to your first interview.
  • To understand when an employment agreement becomes binding.
  • To secure a position in a timely manner to minimize the risk of losing to another candidate.
  • To answer common questions regarding employment agreements.
Author: Mark Raymond
Mark R. Raymond
Attorney and Partner at MPSLAW
Mark has extensive experience with business and corporate legal transactions of all types, including benefit and compensation law buy-sell, employment services, and other legal agreements. Mark leads the firm’s employee benefits and executive compensation practice. He advises business owners, executives, and other professionals with respect to their retirement, health, and other security plans as well as estate planning.