Assessing Your Current Network

Discovery Resource # E-51
Resource Topic: Job Transition Professional Development
Planning Tools: Exercise
Career Phase: Evaluate & Decide Learn Plan Transition
Description: Evaluate Your Current Network
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Consider the advisors to whom you attribute your success during your residency and remember, no two success networks will be exactly the same as we are all unique – some more extroverted than others, some more independent and some lucky to have been in a program where support was plentiful.
  • Evaluate your network in terms of help you need for your new career and life goals
Author: Wendy Murphy
Professor Murphy primarily teaches organizational behavior for undergraduates and managing talent in the graduate programs, as well as customized executive education. Currently, she is Co-Director of the Foundations of Management and Entrepreneurship (FME) program, a yearlong interdisciplinary course in which students create, develop, launch, and manage a business.

Professor Murphy’s research interests are in the area of careers. Her work focuses on mentoring and developmental networks, identity, and the work-life interface. Specifically, she explores the mutual learning that occurs through nontraditional developmental relationships for the benefit of individuals and organizations. In addition, she is interested in how positive relationships across the work-life interface facilitate career success.

Murphy has published her research in several journals, including the Academy of Management Learning and Education, Career Development International, Gender in Management, Human Resource Management, Journal of Management and the Journal of Vocational Behavior among others.

Murphy co-authored Strategic Relationships at Work: Creating your circle of mentors, sponsors, and peers for success in business and life, applies the scholarship of mentoring to help everyone become an entrepreneurial protégé.
Author: Rick Cotton
Associate Professor of OB, HRM and Service Management, University of Victoria; Speaker and Consultant B.S. in Management Information Systems and Marketing (dual), Syracuse University; MS and PhD in Organization Studies, Boston College.

Rick Cotton’s expertise in maximizing human and social capital spans more than 25 years. He’s a professor, consultant, and speaker on subjects including: success networks (a.k.a. developmental networks, personal advisory boards), talent management, SHRM, team chemistry, coaching, and resilience. He began his career as a change management consultant providing organizational transformation and people strategy guidance to clients including: Aetna, General Electric, Pepsi, United Technologies and others.

He was then SVP of Learning & Development at a Fortune 500 firm, leading a performance consulting team supporting 1400 employees on three continents. He’s a professor at UVic and his research has appeared in Harvard Business Review, Sloan/MIT Management Review, Inc. and several academic, business and HR journals.