Author: Wendy Murphy
Professor Murphy primarily teaches organizational behavior for undergraduates and managing talent in the graduate programs, as well as customized executive education. Currently, she is Co-Director of the Foundations of Management and Entrepreneurship (FME) program, a yearlong interdisciplinary course in which students create, develop, launch, and manage a business.
Professor Murphy’s research interests are in the area of careers. Her work focuses on mentoring and developmental networks, identity, and the work-life interface. Specifically, she explores the mutual learning that occurs through nontraditional developmental relationships for the benefit of individuals and organizations. In addition, she is interested in how positive relationships across the work-life interface facilitate career success.
Murphy has published her research in several journals, including the Academy of Management Learning and Education, Career Development International, Gender in Management, Human Resource Management, Journal of Management and the Journal of Vocational Behavior among others.
Murphy co-authored Strategic Relationships at Work: Creating your circle of mentors, sponsors, and peers for success in business and life, applies the scholarship of mentoring to help everyone become an entrepreneurial protégé.