Every wild adventurer needs a map. If you know where you are, and know where you want to go, then following your map will get you there. But without knowing where you want to go or where you are starting from, the map is useless.
What do you want your life to look like? What financial dreams do you want to accomplish? What does your ideal career look like?
Without defining your endpoint and establishing your priorities, your journey will be aimless. If you do arrive at your final destination, but left your family behind, your journey will have been for naught.
In this chapter we are going to define what you really want out of life, family and career. Where are you going with all your hard work? When you know where you are going, and you have a good map to get there, you won't be surprised when you arrive at exactly the point you were headed.
Let’s get your adventure started in the right direction so you cross the right finish line.