Career and Life Planning Guidebook for Medical Residents

Your Guide To Writing The Perfect Letter Without a doubt, a cover letter is one of the best opportunities you have to make a meaningful impression and separate yourself from a competitive candidate pool, especially when sharing YOUR UNIQUE STORY. In the following pages, you will learn how to customize a powerful cover letter taking the prospective em- ployer on a guided journey of some of your most notable career and life achievements. Note: We will be referring to this as both a cover letter and cover email throughout the chapter. 1. The Purpose 2. Customizing Your Cover Letter 3. The Components 4. Proofing 5. Addressing Time Gaps and Immigration Status 6. Writing Support • ● Write attention-grabbing cover letters for highly sought-after positions. • ● Understand how a well-worded cover letter will enhance your chance of getting an interview. • ● Leverage language drawn from the job posting itself. • ● Clearly display your personal brand and the transferable skills you bring to the position. • ● Paint a picture of how your candidacy will fulfill the needs of vacancy for which you apply. • ● Set the stage for a potentially-rewarding career filled with success and contentment. L E T ’ S G E T S T A R T E D In This Chapter O U T L I N E G O A L S 199 WWW.PHYSICIANCAREERPLANNING.COM