Career and Life Planning Guidebook for Medical Residents

1. Validating Your Mission, Vision and Values 2. Search Method a. Online resources b. Career fairs c. Alumni and medical associations d. Personal and professional network e. Common misconceptions of networking 3. In-house vs. Agency Recruiter 4. How To Leverage Your Circles Of Gold ® --Your Network • Understand your mission, vision and values and how they impact your job search strategy. • Integrate your understanding of job search resources and networks. • Identify and leverage specific channels/networks for your job search. • Differentiate between an in-house vs. agency recruiter. • Build a foundation that incorporates your mission, vision, and values into your search. • Create career opportunities using both traditional and non-traditional methods. • Build relevant professional networks as a foundation for future advancement. L E T ’ S G E T S T A R T E D O U T L I N E G O A L S Maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of your search by identifying your mission and your resources, under- standing any challenges in yourway, and organizing the many tools available to you to maximize your job search. In This Chapter Search Strategy 153 WWW.PHYSICIANCAREERPLANNING.COM