Career and Life Planning Workbook for Medical Residents
WWW . A D V E N T U R E S I N M E D I C I N E . C O M 9 Maximize your Physician Career Workbook experience utilizing our three key components. Together they formulate the most comprehensive program available to prepare you in your transition from residency to a career in medicine. ;OL ÄYZ[ JVTWVULU[ PZ [OL *HYLLY HUK Life Planning Workbook for Medical Residents. You will be spending much of your time completing the exercises and tasks from within this workbook. It is important that you understand that The Workbook is designed to work in concert with the Guidebook and the Resource Library. This is the backbone or “textbook” of the WYVNYHT ;OL WHNL .\PKLIVVR VќLYZ in-depth, detailed content that works hand in hand with The Workbook. Together they provide a comprehensive approach for you to leverage information and strategies that will give you the competitive edge. The Workbook is available in both PDF and eBook formats. The last component is Physician Career Planning Resource Library. Like any good reference or resource library, this is where `V\ ^PSS ÄUK [OL L_[YH TH[LYPHSZ `V\ ULLK [V get the most from this program. The online resource library includes more than 150 physician career development resources that will help explore various topics of interest throughout your career. TheWorkbook The Guidebook The Resource Library Instructions Start Your Adventure Today! Access Our Resource Library www.phys i c i ancareerpl ann i
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