Career and Life Planning Workbook for Medical Residents

WWW . A D V E N T U R E S I N M E D I C I N E . C O M 7 Introduction Adventures in Medicine’s: Career and Life Planning Workbook for Medical Residents will help guide you [OYV\NO [OL JOHSSLUNLZ `V\ ^PSS ÄUK HZ `V\ ILNPU your career or look to advance your career in new and exciting ways. The workbook and the exercises ^PSS OLSW `V\ [V KLÄUL ^OH[ `V\ ^HU[ `V\Y M\[\YL [V SVVR SPRL HUK ^HSR `V\ [OYV\NO ZWLJPÄJ Z[LWZ [OH[ ^PSS make your vision your reality. We’ve drawn on the experience and expertise of thousands of CEOs, physicians, physician recruiters, researchers, writers, and designers to give you the information and resources you need to maximize your opportunities and potential. In this program, you will find exercises, assessments, and advice to acquire the knowledge and skills you need to navigate your way through: Identifying Benchmarks and Creating Timelines Preparing for an Interview Negotiating Your Compensation Package Understanding the Business Side of Medicine Budgeting and Planning your Financial Future Writing CVs and Cover Letters Distinguishing Yourself from Other Candidates 6I[HPUPUN HUK ,]HS\H[PUN ,TWSV`TLU[ 6ќLYZ Working With Your Spouse/Partner on Life-Decisions Ensuring Personal, Professional, and Life- Style Value s We invite you to make the most of this comprehensive resource by reading and completing all the exercises and activities. We’ve included all the tools and information you need to give yourself the JVTWL[P[P]L LKNL HUK SH\UJO `V\YZLSM [V H M\SÄSSPUN HUK YL^HYKPUN JHYLLY PU TLKPJPUL