Career and Life Planning Workbook for Medical Residents
60 WWW . A D V E N T U R E S I N M E D I C I N E . C O M Exercise: Preparing for an On-Site Interview You’ve made the cut. Now it’s time to prepare for your “make it or break it” moment. Successful interviews are a matter of preparation, execution, and follow-up. Learn how to leverage all three. OBJECTIVES: By the end of this exercise you will be able to Prepare for and participate in the formal interview process utilizing the principals and concepts they have learned. Leverage the principals and concepts contained in the checklist in their interview. CHAPTER 6 Interviewing HOWTO USE THIS TOOL Read through this tool and the resources noted below. Prepare yourself, your resources and plans consistent with the attached checklists. Review the Tips: The Interview Mindset before your interview. TIPS: The InterviewMindset 1. 3LH]L `V\Y LNV H[ [OL KVVY 5V[OPUN [\YUZ Vќ H M\[\YL LTWSV`LY TVYL [OHU H JHUKPKH[L ^P[O H IPN LNV ,TWSV`LYZ ^HU[ to hire motivated people with relevant talents that can help their organization succeed. 2. Treat EVERYONE you meet as a decision-maker. Most employers will send a candidate survey to every interviewer or person you meet. In most cases, the last question is a hiring recommendation. 3. Control your anxiety. Employers often interpret anxiety as disinterest, and one of their biggest fears is hiring a candidate ^OV ^PSS SLH]L PU TVU[OZ 0[»Z ]LY` KPѝJ\S[ [V V]LYJVTL H IHK ÄYZ[ PTWYLZZPVU HM[LY [OL PU[LY]PL^ 4. *VSSLJ[ VM [OL MHJ[Z VU `V\Y ÄYZ[ PU[LY]PL^ ,TWSV`LYZ PU]LZ[ H SV[ VM [PTL PU JHUKPKH[L PU[LY]PL^Z ZV KV `V\Y ILZ[ [V avoid the need for a second visit. Ask all of your questions—and come prepared with them! 5. )YPUN `V\Y ZWV\ZL VY ZPNUPÄJHU[ V[OLY ;OL PU[LY]PL^ WYVJLZZ JHU [HRL ZL]LYHS TVU[OZ ZV KVU»[ WYVSVUN P[ I` OH]PUN [V THRL H ZLJVUK ]PZP[ [V NL[ [OL HWWYV]HS VM `V\Y ZWV\ZL VY ZPNUPÄJHU[ V[OLY )YPUN OPT VY OLY [OL ÄYZ[ [PTL ZV `V\ ^VU»[ SVZL [OL VWWVY[\UP[` [V HUV[OLY JHUKPKH[L ^OV PZ YLHK` ZVVULY [V HJJLW[ HU VќLY 6. Don’t overemphasize compensation. Placing too much emphasis on compensation can be negatively viewed. 7. Be on time. Arriving late makes a bad impression. Plan to arrive about 15 minutes early, so you have a few minutes to relax. 5 W W . A D V E N T U R E S I N E I I .
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