Career and Life Planning Workbook for Medical Residents
WWW . A D V E N T U R E S I N M E D I C I N E . C O M 59 Check List *OLJR Vќ [OL [HZRZ HZ `V\ JVTWSL[L [OLT READ: Interviewing READ: Preparing for an Onsite Interview EXERCISE: Organizing & Customizing InterviewQuestions for your Interview Resource Description: You’ve invested endless hours and tremendous resources to get where you are, but you still have a long way to go; and this is the best way to get you where you want to be! Let us walk you through the process and get you on the road to success. Resource Description: 2UV^PUN ^OLYL [V Z[HY[ HUK ILPUN VYNHUPaLK JHU ZH]L JV\U[SLZZ OV\YZ HUK TH_PTPaL `V\Y LќVY[ 3L[ \Z N\PKL `V\ Resource Description: @V\ JHUUV[ THRL H NVVK KLJPZPVU HIV\[ ^OPJO VќLY [V HJJLW[ ^P[OV\[ NH[OLYPUN HSS VM [OL facts regarding compensation and comparing them to what you believe is acceptable. ;OPZ L_LYJPZL ^VYRZOLL[ ^PSS OLSW `V\ THRL HU VIQLJ[P]L L]HS\H[PVU VM HSS [OL LSLTLU[Z PU]VS]LK ^P[O [OL JVTWLUZH[PVU VќLY How to Access this Resource : 1. Go to 2. ;`WL ¸:; ¹ PU[V [OL ¸,U[LY 2L`^VYK¹ ÄLSK 3. Click “Search.” How to Access this Resource : 1. Go to 2. ;`WL ¸, ¹ PU[V [OL ¸,U[LY 2L`^VYK¹ ÄLSK 3. Click “Search.” How to Access this Resource: 1. Go to Workbook pages 60-61. Related Resources To view a resource, click on the desired Title or go to and type in the desired title or keyword PU[V [OL ¸,U[LY 2L`^VYK¹ ÄLSK HUK JSPJR ZLHYJO ST-11 E-10 E-11 CHAPTER 6 Interviewing r r la . i i r erpla i i r r l i . Understand Business Arrangement Options Evaluating Daily Work Evaluating Practice Settings
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