Career and Life Planning Workbook for Medical Residents

WWW . A D V E N T U R E S I N M E D I C I N E . C O M 57 Interviewing “ “ Try to have several options for a post-residency QVI HUK ]PZP[ LHJO VUL TVYL [OHU VUJL ILMVYL you decide. Try to meet with some of the TLKPJHS Z[Hќ TLTILYZ WYP]H[LS` HUK HZR [OLT about the pros and cons of the community. When you decide on a destination, ask if one of the senior physicians in the practice can serve as a mentor for you. A mentor can help ^P[O NLULYHS HUK TLKPJHS Z[Hќ PU[YVK\J[PVUZ and show you how to be successful. Sneak Peak Kurt Bruckmeier, MD Hospitalist, Merit Health Wesley Hattiesburg, MS HU HѝSPH[L VM *VTT\UP[` /LHS[O :`Z[LTZ 6 1. What should I know about the interview and hiring process? 2. How do I best prepare to impress the interviewer? 3. What questions should I be asking to determine if the Employer is right for me?