Career and Life Planning Workbook for Medical Residents
52 WWW . A D V E N T U R E S I N M E D I C I N E . C O M To Do’s: Tips 1. Set the stage by introducing yourself • What is your career interest? Be creative and think about it from the listener’s perspective. • What would the audience most want to know? • Employers usually are interested in motivated people with talents that can help them. 2. Decide on a key message • >OH[ ZWLJPHS Z[YLUN[O KV `V\ VќLY& • /V^ HYL `V\ KPќLYLU[& • In a few words, set yourself apart and communicate your value. 3. Use emotion • Be energetic or even passionate. • What excites YOU about your career? • Use action words 4. ;HSR HIV\[ OV^ `V\ JV\SK ILULÄ[ HU employer • Tailor your message to the situation and opportunity. • ,TWOHZPaL KPќLYLU[ Z[YLUN[OZ PM PU[LY]PL^PUN MVY H MHTPS` WYHJ[PJL OVZWP[HS ZL[[PUN • Academic position, or large versus small practice. 5. Decide on a key message • Compliment the employer or interviewer. • Hand out a CV and/or cover letter. • Try to exchange email addresses, phone numbers, or social media links. Exercise: How to Create Your 30-Second Elevator Speech The elevator speech: Make it your “ace in the hole!” Learn how to distinguish yourself in multiple environments and when every moment counts ^P[O HU LќLJ[P]L LSL]H[VY ZWLLJO OBJECTIVES: By the end of this exercise you will be able to *YLH[L HU LќLJ[P]L LSL]H[VY ZWLLJO VY WP[JO MVY ]HYPV\Z ZL[[PUNZ HUK HWWSPJH[PVUZ +L]LSVW HUK KLTVUZ[YH[L WYVÄJPLUJ` PU KLSP]LYPUN LSL]H[VY ZWLLJO WP[JO [OYV\NO YLOLHYZHS HUK KLSP]LY` opportunities. CHAPTER 5 Search Strategy HOWTO USE THIS TOOL Review the Elements of an Elevator Speech and their corresponding Tips. Identify 2-3 key facts that will be communicated through the various elements of your speech. Use the Compose Your Speech worksheet to draft your message. Identify 2-3 key facts that will be communicated through the various elements of your speech. Use the Compose Your Speech worksheet to draft your message 48 WWW . A D V E N T U R E S I I I
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