Career and Life Planning Workbook for Medical Residents

50 WWW . A D V E N T U R E S I N M E D I C I N E . C O M Finding The Right Job For Me ,]LY`VUL»Z QVI ZLHYJO HK]LU[\YL PZ \UPX\L 0[ PZ UV[ H Z[YHPNO[ SPUL ^P[O HU LHZ` YV\[L MYVT 7VPU[ ( [V Point B. A well-developed map based on best practices will help you avoid traveling in circles, running PU[V KLHK LUKZ VY ÄUPZOPUN SHZ[ ILJH\ZL `V\ KPK UV[ OH]L H NHTL WSHU 0U [OPZ Z[HNL VM [OL >VYRIVVR `V\ ^PSS SLHYU ^OV HUK ^OH[ JHU OLSW `V\ VU `V\Y QV\YUL` ^OH[ TH` ISVJR your path to success, and how to develop your own “golden” opportunities. Remember, understanding your obstacles and organizing the tools and resources you have at your KPZWVZHS ^PSS OLSW `V\ YLHJO `V\Y ÄUHS KLZ[PUH[PVU X\PJRS` HUK LѝJPLU[S` Let’s start searching! CHAPTER 5 Search Strategy 46 WWW . A D V E N T U R E S I I I .