Career and Life Planning Workbook for Medical Residents
42 WWW . A D V E N T U R E S I N M E D I C I N E . C O M It’s More Than Just Money Now you have reached a point where it is wise to turn your attention to examining and exploring your personal and professional dreams, desires and needs. ( NYLH[LY \UKLYZ[HUKPUN VM OV^ `V\ ^PZO [V M\SÄSS `V\Y ^HU[Z HUK ULLKZ ^PSS IL LZZLU[PHS [V I\PSKPUN [OL WHYHTL[LYZ [OH[ ^PSS IL `V\Y N\PKL PU PKLU[PM`PUN L]HS\H[PUN HUK \S[PTH[LS` ZLSLJ[PUN [OL QVI [OH[ PZ YPNO[ for you. Your participation in the exercises will help you envision, evaluate, and select the right path for yourself ^P[O YLHS ^VYSK PUÅ\LUJLZ Be truthful with yourself. *HYLM\SS` L]HS\H[L ^OH[ `V\ HYL HUK HYL UV[ ^PSSPUN [V JVTWYVTPZL& 0Z P[ [OL QVI& ;OL JVTWLUZH[PVU package? Your lifestyle? Is compromise even necessary? Let’s get on the path to better understanding your own wants, needs and motivators so you can make the right choices for you, your family and your future. CHAPTER 4 Life, Money, and Career Priorities 38 W . A D V E N T U R E S I N E I I .
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