Career and Life Planning Workbook for Medical Residents

40 WWW . A D V E N T U R E S I N M E D I C I N E . C O M We would like to introduce you to our Chapter 4 Sponsor “I am impressedwith the caliber of support that surrounds BlanchardValley Health System.There is a real sense of ownership throughout the organization. I chose to practice at BVHS over many other offers because they understand the importance of investing in technology and people. Patients in this regionwant to be treated in Findlay, Ohio. BlanchardValleyHealth Systemhas consistently claimed awards for outstanding health care and patient safety. Physicians, nurses, technicians, support staff, care coordinators and volunteers work together. We are an organization dedicated to continually advance our quality and outcomes across all service areas. Also, I ama familyman and I feel good about raisingmy children in Northwest Ohio.This is a community that has a real down home feel.When I came to Findlay, I truly felt like I was home. As a physician, I amproud of our BlanchardValley Health System teamand amgrateful for the opportunity to practice within this community. I know that I made the right choice.” Otolaryngologist, Evan McBeath, MD Consider bringing your skills, talents & commitment to BVHS. Call to visit our physician recruiter, Linda DeArment, 419.423.5590, or e-mail We would like to intr t r Chapt r 5 r Search Strategy 5 44 W . A D V E N T U R E S I N M E D I C I N E . C O M