Career and Life Planning Workbook for Medical Residents
WWW . A D V E N T U R E S I N M E D I C I N E . C O M 35 Check List *OLJR Vќ [OL [HZRZ HZ `V\ JVTWSL[L [OLT READ: Physician Compensation READ: Best Practice for Physicians to Evaluate Compensation Offers EXERCISE: Physician Leadership Assessment Resource Description: <UKLYZ[HUKPUN [OL [`WLZ VM JVTWLUZH[PVU WHJRHNLZ HUK [OLPY M\UKHTLU[HS KPќLYLUJLZ PZ RL` [V LUZ\YPUN `V\Y HIPSP[` [V KL[LYTPUL ^OPJO VќLY PZ PU `V\Y ILZ[ PU[LYLZ[ Resource Description: Your success ultimately comes down to being well-informed and having the ability to leverage the information you acquire to your ILULÄ[ <UKLYZ[HUKPUN JVTWLUZH[PVU TVKLSZ HUK KL[LYTPUPUN [OL Z[Y\J[\YL [OH[ ^PSS ILZ[ Z\P[ `V\Y ULLKZ HUK WYLMLYLUJLZ PZ H fundamental part of this process. Resource Description: Taking control of your compensation is a matter of breaking down the number of relative value units (RVUs) and patient visits (per year, per day, and per hour); and is key to achieving your desired income. How to Access this Resource : 1. Go to 2. ;`WL ¸:; ¹ PU[V [OL ¸,U[LY 2L`^VYK¹ ÄLSK 3. Click “Search.” How to Access this Resource : 1. Go t o 2. ;`WL ¸:; ¹ PU[V [OL ¸,U[LY 2L`^VYK¹ ÄLSK 3. Click “Search.” How to Access this Resource: 1. Go to Workbook pages 36-37 Related Resources To view a resource, click on the desired Title or go to and type in the desired title or keyword PU[V [OL ¸,U[LY 2L`^VYK¹ ÄLSK HUK JSPJR ZLHYJO ST-03 S-11 E-23 CHAPTER 3 Compensation Packages Physician Compensation Sample Physician Compensation Analysis Physician Compensation Worksheet i i r r l i g. i ia car erpla i r erpla
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