Career and Life Planning Workbook for Medical Residents

WWW . A D V E N T U R E S I N M E D I C I N E . C O M 33 Compensation Packages “ “ Sneak Peak 1. Income guarantee vs. guaranteed salary: Which is right for me? 2. Is there a roadmap for compensation in a value-based world? 3. What are the drivers of physician compensation that I should know? 3 Kelli Webb, MD Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon SIH Medical Group “…Worry less about money, and more about the day-to-day details that make life happy. In the end, the poorest physician is richer than 99% of the population. I’m a happy employed physician and it works well for my career and family because I really [VVR [OL [PTL [V ÄUK HU LTWSV`TLU[ VWWVY[\UP[` [OH[ worked for everyone.”