Career and Life Planning Workbook for Medical Residents
WWW . A D V E N T U R E S I N M E D I C I N E . C O M 31 WHAT OBSTACLES HAVE YOU FACED THAT HAVE EQUIPPED YOU TO LEAD SIH INTO THE FUTURE? When I was just out of college I started working in public accounting, auditing healthcare organizations. I enjoyed the work from an intellectual standpoint. During the period I lost both my grandmothers within three months. It was my first real experience with hospitals from the patient/family perspective. For the first time it really registered with me about the good work people in those settings perform. It was at that moment I decided that I wanted to be involved in helping others. Since that time, I have also had some very difficult experiences with family members’ care at other institutions. I know how that made me feel and that drives me to make SIH a safe and caring organization for every patient and family member who comes through our doors. WHEN YOU THINK OF SIH IN 10 YEARS, HOW WILL SIH BETTER SERVE THE COMMUNITY? What I picture in my mind is SIH being the hub for healthcare in the region. By that I mean we are really connected with our communities and other providers. I would like SIH to be the force that drives integration so that the patient’s care is seamless and well coordinated. Across the country, patient care is too chopped up into distinct events or interactions between different physicians, providers and agencies. We have to develop a mindset across the care continuum that doesn’t treat these interactions as distinct occurrences but rather an ongoing coordinated experience of personal care for the patient. WHAT DO YOU WANT THE DOCTOR/PATIENT EXPERIENCE TO LOOK LIKE AT SIH? Our focus has been to drive quality and satisfaction for our patients and physicians. I want SIH to be as integrated as possible with our physicians so that we can provide very efficient and effective care. I want the physicians to have a very high level of satisfaction with the care rendered to their patients. I also want processes in place that lets our physicians maximize the use of their time while caring for patients. Patients should be able to really sense that they are in a safe and caring environment while at our facilities. FOR MANY RESIDENTS, IT’S DIFFICULT TO REALLY UNDERSTAND WHAT MAKES ONE HOSPITAL BETTER THAN ANOTHER. SO MANY WORDS, SO LITTLE MEANING. WHAT WOULD YOU SAY MAKES SIH A UNIQUE PLACE TO WORK FOR A RESIDENT BEGINNING THEIR NEW JOB SEARCH? I have worked at several large institutions in my career. While they were technologically advanced they were not necessarily very “touch” oriented. I believe that SIH has developed a great balance between technology and touch. We are a progressive organization that has a good view of the future. We don’t rest and are always trying to anticipate and prepare for the next challenge. We have modern facilities and seek out the best equipment and techniques to care for our patients. We strive to create an environment that allows physicians to practice in an efficient manner and to be confident their patients are safe. I believe we do all of the above well without losing sight of the fact that we are interacting with our patients and families at a time when they are very vulnerable. It is critical that we never lose sight of the need to balance both the technology we use to care for our patients and the caring manner with which we interact with patients and their families. UNDERSTAND I NG LEADERSH I P AN INTERVIEW WITH REX BUDDE, PRESIDENT AND CEO OF SOUTHERN ILLINOIS HEALTHCARE FACT SHEET • 290+ Beds • 300+ doctors • 3,400+ staff • 350,000 population service area • Major programs Cancer, Ortho, Cardiac, OB, and Neuro RECOGNITION • Members of the BJC Collaborative • Mission: Lifeline ® Gold Plus Heart Attack Receiving Center • American College of Cardiology Platinum Performance Achievement Award • American Heart Association/American Stroke Association Target Stroke Elite Plus Honor Roll ® SURGICAL EXPANSION AT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL OF CARBONDALE “Building trust requires understanding the values and vision of leadership.”
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