Career and Life Planning Workbook for Medical Residents
WWW . A D V E N T U R E S I N M E D I C I N E . C O M 29 2. TEAM FOCUS 0 HT HISL [V LќLJ[P]LS` ^VYR PU H [LHT LU]PYVUTLU[ I don’t allow my ego to get in the way of making team decisions. I speak up about the things that I would like others to be open with me. 0 HT H Z[YVUN JVSSHIVYH[VY ^P[O JVSSLHN\LZ Z[Hќ HUK OVZWP[HS HKTPUPZ[YH[PVU 0 MLLS JVTMVY[HISL HKKYLZZPUN JVUÅPJ[Z HZ ZVVU HZ [OL` HYPZL 3. BUSINESS ACUMEN I am able to develop and implement strategies and goals. I understand the healthcare industry and the basic structure/processes of a hospital and health system. I understand how a physician private practice connects/aligns with the healthcare system as a whole. I understand the various billing codes within my specialty. I know how to calculate my productivity bonuses. 4. SYSTEMS & STRATEGIC THINKING I am able to think and make strategic tactical decisions. I think of new ways to approach a problem from a process perspective. I am able to work in a complex hospital or practice setting. I am able to create unique business insights and create a competitive advantage for my department or organization. I am a programmable, systematic, and rational thinker. 5. FACILITATOR OF CHANGE 0 ZOV^ WH[PLUJL ^P[O T` Z[Hќ ^OLU PTWSLTLU[PUN H JOHUNL RUV^PUN [OH[ [OLYL PZ HU HKQ\Z[TLU[ WLYPVK I am able to adapt to change in procedures, medical advances, and healthcare requirements. I am open to the ideas and perspectives of others. I am able to lead my department to improved performance. I am able to create structure and process when changing a process or procedure. Weakness Strength 1 2 3 4 5 Weakness Strength 1 2 3 4 5 Weakness Strength 1 2 3 4 5 Weakness Strength 1 2 3 4 5 Total Score: NEED FOR DEVELOPMENT: HIGH (5-10) MED (11-19) LOW (20-25) Total Score: NEED FOR DEVELOPMENT: HIGH (5-10) MED (11-19) LOW (20-25) Total Score: NEED FOR DEVELOPMENT: HIGH (5-10) MED (11-19) LOW (20-25) Total Score: NEED FOR DEVELOPMENT: HIGH (5-10) MED (11-19) LOW (20-25) CHAPTER 2 Market Trends & Trials 25 S I N E D I C I N E . C O M
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