Career and Life Planning Workbook for Medical Residents
28 WWW . A D V E N T U R E S I N M E D I C I N E . C O M Exercise: Evaluating Leadership Competencies Know yourself and know how to position yourself for success. ;OL NVHS VM [OPZ HZZLZZTLU[ PZ [V PKLU[PM` HYLHZ ^OLYL `V\ JHU ILULÄ[ MYVT HKKP[PVUHS professional development. As you consider the type of practice and position that would JVTWYPZL [OL YPNO[ Ä[ MVY `V\ P[ PZ PTWLYH[P]L [OH[ `V\ L]HS\H[L ^OLYL `V\ Z[HUK ^P[O LHJO VM [OL SLHKLYZOPW JVTWL[LUJPLZ PKLU[PÄLK ILSV^ (YTLK ^P[O [OPZ PUMVYTH[PVU `V\ ^PSS IL able to make strategic choices about where to interview based on the type of employer and practice setting that would best support your growth as a physician. OBJECTIVES: By the end of this exercise you will be able to Complete a self-evaluation and assessment in key leadership areas. Interpret the results of the self-assessment to identify areas for additional professional development. HOWTO USE THIS TOOL -PYZ[ IL OVULZ[ ( ZLSM HZZLZZTLU[ PZ VUS` LќLJ[P]L ^OLU ^L JHU Z[HUK IHJR HUK [HRL HU VIQLJ[P]L SVVR H[ ^OLYL your skills are currently at. Next, review the statements in each of the categories and rate yourself in terms of your strength for each statement. Total your score at the end of each section. A score of 5-10 indicates a need for additional professional development. A score of 11-19 indicates a medium need to pursue additional training in that area, and a score of 20-25 indicates a low need for additional training. >OPSL [OL [YHPUPUN ULLK TH` IL SV^ P[ KVLZ UV[ TLHU [OH[ `V\ JV\SK UV[ ILULÄ[ MYVT HKKP[PVUHS VY YLMYLZOLY [YHPUPUN PU [OH[ HYLH 0[ Q\Z[ PUKPJH[LZ [OH[ P[ PZ H SV^LY WYPVYP[` [OHU [OL V[OLY ZJVYPUN YHUNLZ 1. PATIENT CENTRIC I show empathy and match my feelings with those of another person in an interaction. I am able to develop a high level of trust with my patients. Patients feel comfortable sharing their health concerns with me. I can easily meet and initiate conversations with new people when necessary. I am a strong communicator (listening, responding, explaining). Weakness Strength 1 2 3 4 5 CHAPTER 2 Market Trends & Trials Total Score: NEED FOR DEVELOPMENT: HIGH (5-10) MED (11-19) LOW (20-25) 24 W W . A D V E N T U R E S I N E I I .
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