Career and Life Planning Workbook for Medical Residents

WWW . A D V E N T U R E S I N M E D I C I N E . C O M 25 Market Trends & Trials “ “ 0 YLTLTILY ^OH[ T` ÄYZ[ TLKPJHS KPYLJ[VY ZHPK [V me: “If you do what’s right for the patient, you can never be wrong.” Fight for your time to be at the bedside with patients; the patients will be grateful for your time, and you will increase your longevity HUK YLZPSPLUJ` (Z [OPZ ILPUN `V\Y QV\YUL` RLLW PU mind why you chose the profession of medicine in [OL ÄYZ[ WSHJL! [V OLSW WLVWSL Sneak Peak 1. How will HealthCare Reform impact me as a physician? 2. What type of practice setting is best for me? 3. How does a typical Hospital Organization function? Rebecca Parker, MD Executive Vice President Leadership Development and Education, EmCare