Career and Life Planning Workbook for Medical Residents

18 WWW . A D V E N T U R E S I N M E D I C I N E . C O M CHAPTER 1 Job Search Timeline The 5 Phases Step 2: Plan Milestone Guidance Resource # Complete Date Create a search strategy Most residents come across 20 to 30 opportunities per week from recruiter calls, emails, direct mail, etc. This can create a false sense that there are an abundance of opportunities. In reality reactive physicians tend to make poor choices. Be proactive and create a search strategy for finding the opportunity that’s right for you. E-17 E-19 Complete /update CV, cover letter, & reference letters Your curriculum vitae (CV) is your introduction to future employers. How are you going to set yourself apart from the other 30,000 residents and fellow graduates each year? E-20 ST-15 ST-14 Research physician compensation markets Depending on location, population, type of specialty, and other factors, there can be substantial differences in physician compensation. E-23 Understand the business of medicine Practice settings are grouped into five types, from a solo practice to employed. Each has its own pros and cons, and each can have a major impact on your compensation, growth opportunities, work-life balance, and more. ST-02 E-33 Build your advisory team AIM resources provide you with a process & system for planning your career, but assembling an advisory team that includes a mentor, professionals, family, etc. will help you adapt these resources to your individual strengths and weaknesses, so you can discover your own “true north”. E-30 Identify essential physician leadership competencies When choosing the right practice or position for you, it’s imperative that you evaluate your competencies and strategically interview at employers who can provide the structure to help you grow professionally. E - 04 Navigate the immigration process, if applicable Foreign nationals face a few additional requirements related to immigration. You and a prospective employer must identify them & plan a strategy for satisfying them well in advance. Particularly with immigration issues, it’s imperative that you start sooner than later. ST-18 Build Your Networking Strategy Exercises Golden Opportunity Targets Setting You Apart from Other Candidates How to Write an Effective CV How to Write an Effective Cover Letter Physician Compensation Market Worksheet Market Trends & Trials How Market Conditions Impact Patients, Administration, and Physicians Building Your Advisory Team Worksheet Physician Leadership Competencies Immigration Checklist Worksheet