Career and Life Planning Workbook for Medical Residents

WWW . A D V E N T U R E S I N M E D I C I N E . C O M 17 CHAPTER 1 Job Search Timeline The 5 Phases Step1: Learn and Discover Milestone Guidance Resource # Complete Date Identify your life, money, and career priorities An honest and complete examination of your priorities and preferences early in the career planning process can save you many hours and much frustration later on. This step will provide your compass for future decisions and keep you pointed toward “true north.” E-06 E-14 E-08 E-15 E-23 E-11 E-12 E-10 E-16 Create your life purpose statement This is a concise and clear explanation of your individual aspirations. E-34 Identify your core values Your values represent your internal compass, which guides your actions & behavior. E-34 Research physician compensation markets Trends in physician compensation will impact the offers you receive and affect your evaluation process. ST-03 Understand how a hospital operates Hospitals are complex entities. Knowing how they operate and the various roles for physicians will help you decide which hospital is right for you. ST-02 Learn about the different types of practices Large group practice? Small self-owned practice? Small office that’s part of a large health care system? Or perhaps a non-clinical career? The options are many, and you can choose wisely if you know what they entail. ST-11 A-01 ST-19 Defining Desired Roles and Relationships Defining Your Needs, Wants, and Dreams Evaluating Quality of Life Family Assessment Compensation Worksheet Practice Setting Worksheet Work Environment Worksheet Daily Work Worksheet Personal Preferences vs. Market Conditions Creating your Life Purpose Statement Identify Your Core Values Compensation Market Trends & Trials Understanding Business Arrangements Rediscovering Rural Practice Opportunities Non-Clinical Careers