Career and Life Planning Workbook for Medical Residents

WWW . A D V E N T U R E S I N M E D I C I N E . C O M 11 Job Search Timeline “ “ After residency is complete there will be a plethora of opportunities that will come your way. It might be research opportunities, leadership on boards and committees, and then of course your own personal life and possibly starting a family, buying a home, or a new car. Make sure that you sit down and do not overcommit by saying yes to every new opportunity that comes your way. Make sure you do prioritize your family and friends and maintain a healthy lifestyle. You are now in charge of your destiny but with a great degree of responsibility as well. Sneak Peak 1. How long does a typical job search take? 2. When is the right time to begin looking for my first job after residency? 3. What are the steps for a job search that I should follow? Paul S. Dhillon, MD Clinical Assistant Professor University of Saskatchewan