Career and Life Planning Guidebook for Medical Residents

SECTION I: T MINUS THREE YEARS Chapter Bibliography 25 Shanafelt TD, West CP, Sloan JA, et al. Career Fit and Burnout Among Academic Faculty. Arch Intern Med. 2009;169(10): 990-995 26 DeChant, Paul and Shannon, Diane. Preventing Physician Burnout: Preventing Chaos and Returning Joy to the Practice of Medicine. (North Charleston, South Carolina: Simpler Healthcare, 2016) 176-186 27 Chip Dodd, The Voice of the Heart: A Call to Full Living , 2nd ed. (Nashville: Sage Hill Resources, 2014) 156. 28 Murthy, Vivek. Work and the Loneliness Epidemic: Reducing Isolation At Work Is Good For Business. 29 Lamothe et al. Outcomes of MBSR or MBSR-Based Interventions In Health Care Providers: A Systematic ReviewWith A Focus On Empathy and Emotional Competencies. Complement Ther Med . 2016 Feb;24:19-28. 30 Tamlin S. Conner, Colin G. DeYoung, and Paul J. Silvia, “Everyday Creative Activity as a Path to Flourishing,” The Journal of Positive Psychology (November 2016), 31 Lee, TH, Mylod, DE. Deconstructing Burnout to Define a Positive Path Forward. JAMA Intern Med . Published online February 4, 2019. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2018.8247 Accessed on-line February 24, 2019. 32 Christina Maslach and Michael P. Leiter, The Truth About Burnout: How Organizations Cause Personal Stress and What to Do About It. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1997, 17. 33 Talbot, SG, Dean, W. Physicians Aren’t 'Burning Out’. They’re suffering moral injury. accessed February 19, 2019 34 Christina Maslach and Michael P. Leiter, The Truth About Burnout: How Organizations Cause Personal Stress and What to Do About It. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1997, 18-21 35 Berwick DM, Nolan TW, Whittington J. The Triple Aim: Care, Health and Cost. Health Aff 2008;27:759–69 36 Rishi Sikka, Julianne M. Morath, and Lucian Leape, “The Quadruple Aim: Care, Health, Cost and Meaning in Work,” (editorial), BMJ Quality and Safety 24, no. 10 (October 2015), 608–610. 37 Perlo J, Balik B, Swensen S, Kabcenell A, Landsman J, Feeley D. IHI Framework for Improving Joy in Work. IHI White Paper. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Institute for Healthcare Improvement; 2017 Congratulations on reading Physician Burnout! NEXT STEP: Track your progress with THE TRACKER – an action plan for you to apply Physician Burnout lessons learned. This step-by-step action plan consisting of reading assignments, exercises, checklists, assessments and additional resources to help you transition from training into your work/life by making good, sound decisions. To access your Physician Burnout TRACKER, go to This publication should not be construed as professional advice or an opinion on any specific facts or circumstances. The contents are intended for general information purposes only, and you are urged to consult a professional with appropriate expertise concerning your own situation and specified questions. If you want to knowmore about Suicide Prevention Awareness, go to: Pain isn’t always obvious, but most suicidal people show some signs that they are thinking about suicide. The signs may appear in conversation, through their actions, or in social media posts. If you observe one or more of these warning signs, especially if the behavior is new, has increased or seems related to a painful event, loss or change, step in or speak up. CAREER AND LIFE PLANNING GUIDEBOOK FOR MEDICAL RESIDENTS 48