Career and Life Planning Guidebook for Medical Residents

source: Basically, those who have a fixed mindset believe their qualities are set in stone, creating an urgency to prove what you know and can do over and over again. This type of constrained view says that each of us has only a set amount of intelligence coupled with a certain personality and a particular moral character. A fixed mindset prompts us to defend who we are and what we know instead of changing and growing as the world and situations require us to change. A protégé with a fixed mindset will underutilize their success networks and retain mentors who are content to keep reinforcing their same old “war stories” without regard to their protégé’s changing needs. Alternatively, having a growth mindset means cultivating a belief that your fundamental human qualities of intelligence, personality, and character can actually be developed through your own efforts and in your relationships with others. A growth mindset means that although we differ in our initial talents, aptitudes, temperaments, and interests, EVERYONE can change and grow through learning, experience, and development. If you have a growth mindset, you will maximize your learning by continually expanding your understanding of medical practices and vicariously learning from people in your success network. Mentors with a growth mindset take the time to learn and understand their protégés needs in order to provide them with appropriate developmental support in a manner that resonates. In short, we encourage you to adopt a growth mindset as it applies not only to your daily practice as a physician but also to your success network. This approach will enable you to seek out high- quality connections that help meet your changing career and life goals in ways that make you a better person, protégé, advisor and mentor to others through lifelong learning. SECTION III: T MINUS ONE YEAR CAREER AND LIFE PLANNING GUIDEBOOK FOR MEDICAL RESIDENTS 408