Career and Life Planning Guidebook for Medical Residents

Phases of Developmental Relationships Initiation Cultivation Separation Redefinition Given your goals, howwill these continuing relationships help? Will they shift in terms of the type of support they can/will provide? Be specific about individuals and how they can help. 3. WHAT SUPPORT IS MISSING? Your current network needs to change to help you build your future enhanced success network. Given your goals, is there anyone that you already know that can begin to help? Can your current network connect you to additional potential advisors that could be helpful? In which domains (if any) do you need to build entirely new relationships? 4. DIVERSITY What is the balance of advisors who are similar to you and different from you? Consider the various types of support you need at this stage in your career. For example, do you need to find new/different role models? Or do you need someone who can help you day-to-day? 5. CLOSE AND DISTANT CONNECTIONS Are you going to be able to retain a few close, deep relationships? How will you cultivate a few new relationships with people who are more distant/occasional sources of support, including those who could be more objective and provide you with a different perspective? 6. PAID/FORMAL ADVISORS Your career is an important part of your overall life, but there are aspects of designing your life where it may make the most sense to hire expert advice. For example: Do you want to buy a home? Pay off your student debt? Travel more? Start a family? Each of these goals might be facilitated with a market pricing relationship (e.g., Financial advisor, Accountant, Life Coach) SECTION III: T MINUS ONE YEAR CAREER AND LIFE PLANNING GUIDEBOOK FOR MEDICAL RESIDENTS 402