Career and Life Planning Guidebook for Medical Residents

Back to the Future: Assessing Your Current Network Against Your Future Enhanced Success Network. Research demonstrates that success networks vary in structure, content, quality, and type of relationships. Build your future Enhanced Success Network step-by-step to determine howwell these stack up in helping you achieve your career goal and life goals described above. 1. IDENTIFY SOCIAL REALMS THAT WILL BE IMPORTANT Given your goals, what social realms will continue to be important and what new realms will you add? Consider that you may be moving to a new hospital or practice, relocating to a new community, negotiating with a new employer/landlord/bank/ etc. and generally crafting your post-training life. Certainly some social domains may continue to be important (like family and friends), but it is very likely that new ones need to emerge and you need to be intentional about building relationships in those domains. Use appropriate labels to fill in the gray boxes accordingly. 2. TRANSFER RELATIONSHIPS THAT WILL CONTINUE Transfer those relationships from your current network to your future enhanced success network that you anticipate will continue to be helpful in achieving your next career and life goals. This is often hard, as some people in your network, who contributed to your success in the past, will no longer be as active or active contributors at all as you move forward. Remember, at the same time, new relationships will emerge in your new role that will be critical for you to identify and nurture as you build out the enhanced success network that works best for you and your new goals. Developmental relationships by their nature go throughphases.We initiatenewrelationships, cultivate and deepen those relationships, and then separate as needed and redefine. It is acceptable to let go of some relationships as people will move in and out of your life; some will become occasional friends and others will just move on by choice or necessity. Before assessing the viability of your current network going forward, you have to knowwhere you are going. So in the space below, articulate what your next major career goal is over the next 12-18 months. A wide variety of goal-setting research backs up the idea that to enhance goal achievement, the goal you describe below should be a SMART one (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-Bound). Your career needs to fit in the context of your overall life. With that in mind, identify any particular life goals you may have in the next one to three years. These have a longer timeframe as you may need that time to consider your options or get yourself in a position to achieve them (e.g., relocate to a particular community, master a hobby, purchase a home, get married, start a family). Your Success Network 401 WWW.PHYSICIANCAREERPLANNING.COM