Career and Life Planning Guidebook for Medical Residents

Now it’s time to actually Chart Your Advisors: First, list your current advisors in order of importance to you before filling in the columns to describe the support provided and the social arena they represent as indicated in the ‘CONSIDER EACH RELATIONSHIP’ section below the table: Current Advisor Names 1 Overall Closeness Helped me develop skills & get work done Helped advance my residency & career Provided personal support Has been a role- model for me Identify the area of your life they come from (e.g., residency, school, family, community, new job); add your own notes here. Example: Dr. Gray SC H M L M Residency. Great teacher; we have different work styles 1 You DO NOT need to fill in every row 1. ASSESS THEIR OVERALL CLOSENESS TO YOU Next, note the closeness of each advisor to you. Indicate how you consider closeness of the relationship using these guides: VC –VeryClose, C – Close, SC – Somewhat Close or D – Distant. These closeness assessments matter because they may be indicative of opportunities to deepen relationships to provide you with additional support to help you toward your career goal. 2. INDICATE THE TYPE OF SUPPORT PROVIDED Broadly, work-related support tends to cluster into four categories: help developing work and getting work done, strategizing career, emotional support, and role modeling. Within each of these categories, various people may provide you with more or less support depending on your need, their capabilities, and the quality of the relationship itself. SECTION III: T MINUS ONE YEAR CAREER AND LIFE PLANNING GUIDEBOOK FOR MEDICAL RESIDENTS 394