Career and Life Planning Guidebook for Medical Residents

Recommended Tool Creating Your Personal Advisory Team Exercise Learn the process and benefits of forming a personal advisory board — a group of ad- visors who can help guide you in areas that are outside of your expertise or ability to be fully objective. As a single mom with four children, ages 7-18, saving enough money to put them through college weighed heavily on my mind. As I searched for my first position post training, my focus was to secure a flexible position with the opportunity to earn good compensation. Looking back, the biggest roadblock was the lack of understanding how market conditions impacted my practice. As you search for your first position post training, don’t underestimate the need for a good mentor to help you work through all of the non-clinical aspects of the position. – Wambui Waruingi, Neonatologist F I E L D N O T E S SECTION III: T MINUS ONE YEAR CAREER AND LIFE PLANNING GUIDEBOOK FOR MEDICAL RESIDENTS 340