Career and Life Planning Guidebook for Medical Residents

When given a survey to estimate the percentage of their residents exhibiting burnout, 92% of directors estimated that burnout rates in their programs were 49% or less. Only one program director predicted a burnout rate of 50–74%. Of note, 25% of the residents responding in the same study thought that burnout was a condition that was reportable to the state medical board. 10 In the September 2018 issue of JAMA , Rotenstein, Mata and colleagues published a retrospective review of 182 international studies conducted from 1991 and 2018 to attempt to define the methods used to assess burnout and to estimate an overall prevalence of physician burnout. Ranges for overall burnout prevalence as well as estimates for the subset dimensions of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and low personal accomplishment were so substantially varied that a definitive conclusion regarding burnout prevalence were precluded. 11 Physician Burnout 33 WWW.PHYSICIANCAREERPLANNING.COM “Bryan Health’s provider engagement scores rank us in the 94th %tile, and we’ve maintained scores in the 90th decile for several years in a row, including the year we went live with Epic! Interestingly, our engagement scores are nearly identical among employed providers and independent providers, with independent providers making up more than 85% of our medical staff. The reasons for these strong engagement scores is multifactorial. I believe it starts from a position of trust and relationships. Every member of our leadership team is relationship-focused. We listen to our physicians when they provide us feedback, and we mobilize quickly to address their concerns. Employee engagement is also important, and our physicians know that we prioritize taking good care of our employees. It is important to us to create an environment where they want to practice and send their patients. Our physicians comment that they know their patients get good care at Bryan because of our employees.“ Eric Mooss, FACHE, CMPE, President, Bryan Physician Network