Career and Life Planning Guidebook for Medical Residents

R E A D : Prepare Planning for salary negotiation is an important part of job-search preparation. As we discussed earlier, adopting a negotiation mindset is essential to your success. Research consistently indicates that 85% of success in almost any endeavor depends on attitude and only 15% depends on aptitude. This holds true in negotiating too! Stay positive, keep your ego in check, and emphasize your value as a member of their team. Collect All the Facts You cannot make a good decisionwithout gathering all the facts regarding the compensation offer and comparing them to your priorities. Recommended Tool Compensation Package Worksheet Use this tool to collect all the compensation facts prior to the negotiation process KnowWhen You’re Ready Once you have collected and analyzed all the specifics, it’s time to decide whether or not an offer is fair based on your specialty, the specific region, and community market. Be careful to compare apples with apples. The offers you receive may not be comparable in all areas. The Art of Physician Negotiation 299 WWW.PHYSICIANCAREERPLANNING.COM