Career and Life Planning Guidebook for Medical Residents

“We begin to see, therefore, the importance of selecting our environment with the greatest of care, because environment is the mental feeding ground out of which the food that goes into our minds is extracted”. – Napoleon Hill, Author of Keys to Success: The 17 Principles of Personal Achievement F I E L D N O T E S Attribute Swung from Worst to Best Consequence to Compare (Neg Stress; Learning; Influence; Financial Stability) Ranking Rating Weight Benchmark High Stress, Low Learning, No Influence, Low Stability 5 0 Neg. Stress Low Stress, Low Learning, No Influence, Low Stability 3 60 Learning High Stress, High Learning, No Influence, Low Stability 4 20 Influence High Stress, Low Learning, High Influence, High Stability 2 75 Financial Stability High Stress, Low Learning, No Influence, High Stability 1 100 Table 3: SwingWeights with Ratings We are now ready to determine the weights of each objective. We start by summing the values in the Rating column. In our case, they sum to 255. Next, we calculate each attribute’s contribution to the sum. Neg Stress contributes 60 to the sum of 255, so Neg Stress’ weight is 60/255 = 0.24. Learning contributes only 20 to the 255, so its weight is only 0.08. Note this method guarantees the weights sum to 1.00. See Table 4. Attribute Swung from Worst to Best Consequence to Compare (Neg Stress; Learning; Influence; Financial Stability) Ranking Rating Weight Benchmark High Stress, Low Learning, No Influence, Low Stability 5 0 0 Neg. Stress Low Stress, Low Learning, No Influence, Low Stability 3 60 0.24 Learning High Stress, High Learning, No Influence, Low Stability 4 20 0.08 Influence High Stress, Low Learning, High Influence, High Stability 2 75 0.29 Financial Stability High Stress, Low Learning, No Influence, High Stability 1 100 0.39 Table 4: SwingWeights As shown in Figure 2, we repeat this exercise of calculating the swing weights for any level in the FOH. The above walked us through theweights for the second level.We can nowmove down to the third level, and for each second level objective, we compute the swing weights for its sub objectives. For example, the weights for the four sub objectives of minimizing negative stress are given in Figure 2. Note that theweights associated to a set of sub objectiveswill also always sum to 1.00. SECTION II: T MINUS TWO YEARS CAREER AND LIFE PLANNING GUIDEBOOK FOR MEDICAL RESIDENTS 280