Career and Life Planning Guidebook for Medical Residents

we can easily use in making your decision of which job offer is best for you and your family. Structuring Objectives We now take the sheets of elicitation notes and make sense of them. We do this by building a Fundamtental Objectives Hierarchy (FOH), which forms the basis of howwe decide which job offer is best. Figure 1 is John’s personal FOH. The hieracrchy has levels with the top level being the most fundamental (basic) objective. Each level down is desgned to further explain, define, or give details of what is meant in the immediate upper level. From Figure 1, we see that the most fundamental objective of John is to maximize career fulfillment. The next level down further defineswhat thismeans. For John, it means he wants to minimize negative stess, maximize learning, maximize influence over decisions, and to maximize financial stability. Figure 1: Fundamental Objectives Heirarch Maximize career fulfillment Minimize negative stress Maximize learning Maximize influence over decisions Maximize financial stability Maximize flexible schedule Maximize leisure time Maximize health Maximize collegiality Maximize new skills Maximize intellect Minimize bureaucracy Minimize supervision Maximize respect Maximize opportunities Maximize career flexibility Maximize compensation SECTION II: T MINUS TWO YEARS CAREER AND LIFE PLANNING GUIDEBOOK FOR MEDICAL RESIDENTS 274