Career and Life Planning Guidebook for Medical Residents

When we face a difficult decision with important rami- fications for our life, it is key to have a solid understanding of our objectives and values. Our objectives and values are the very items that are important to us, such as spending time with family and friends or having a rewarding career. Without a deep understanding of these, making a hard decision is fraught with anxiety and confusion as we do not have a basis to choose one option over another; with a deep understanding, making a hard decision is empowering and fulfilling. 1. Personal Values and Objectives 2. Scoring Each Job Offer Based On Objectives 3. Determining the Weight of Each Objective • Assess you and your family’s values and objectives. • Establish metrics that measure howwell each job offer meets your priorities. • Use decision analysis tools to analyze various components and elements of the compensation package, work environment, culture, leadership, etc. to determine which opportunities best align with your own vision, mission, and priorities. L E T ’ S G E T S T A R T E D In This Chapter O U T L I N E G O A L S Decision Analysis Applied to Job Selection 269 WWW.PHYSICIANCAREERPLANNING.COM