Career and Life Planning Guidebook for Medical Residents

Keep track of everyone you met during the interview. Most likely, you’ll interviewwith several people. Make sure to write down their name, title, and contact information – ask the person who coordinated the interview for those details. Make notes on each person about what you liked or disliked, what was discussed, and whether you have any concerns or questions for this individual. Getting the names of everyone involved in your interview is crucial because you’ll want to follow up with a thank you note. Awell-written thank you note makes a great impression on your potential employer. Decision-Making Worksheet Earlier in the chapter,we recommendedyou list your core values on the Decision-Making Worksheet to help you create your interview questions. Now it’s time to rank each of your personal values and work priorities to assess the employer and community’s probability of fulfilling your personal and professional values. A well-written thank you note makes a great impression on your potential employer. The Interview 261 WWW.PHYSICIANCAREERPLANNING.COM