Career and Life Planning Guidebook for Medical Residents

Researching the Employer and Community Prior to the Interview Nothing frustrates an interviewer more than sitting down to interview a candidate and learning he or she has no knowledge about the employer and community. No matter how impressive your CV looks, if a candidateknowsnothingabout theorganizationand its respective community, he or she demonstrates they did not prepare for the interview. Recommended Tool Organizing and Customizing Interview Questions for Your Interview. Use this tool to develop/identify, organize, and prioritize questions to query the potential employers’ representatives to get the answers you need. Tips to research an employer Visit the organization’s website to learn about: – Size of facility, number of beds – Number of employees – Number of years in business – Rankings against similar facilities/organizations – Organization’s mission, vision, and values – Who they serve: type of population, patient mix, demographics Do an internet search for the organization’s name to check if they have been in the news lately Investigate their reputation using research sites such as: – HCAHPS: (Organizational, departmental or service line awards or distinction.) – American Hospital Directory: (Free profiles of hospitals) – Hospital Value Index: (Free online tool that evaluates and compares hospital performance on multiple factors that go in to providing value) – Top 100 Hospitals: (Listing of the best clinically-and fiscally-operating hospitals in the US) – Check for mentions in scholarly journals and medical association publications – Use networking: who do you knowwho works there or has worked there? Ask them about what it’s like to work there and the politics of the organization The Interview 257 WWW.PHYSICIANCAREERPLANNING.COM