Career and Life Planning Guidebook for Medical Residents

R E A D : The Phone Interview Phone interviews are used as an initial screening tool to narrow the applicant pool by evaluating a candidate’s qualifications and how they meet the requirements of the open position. Phone interviews come with their own special challenges. For example, a phone interview is likely the first time you’ll speak directly with a representative from the employer, and you won’t be able to rely upon body language to build rapport. And, unlike emailing back and forth, a phone interview offers no chance to re-read and re-formulate your thoughts. (5) The phone interview determines whether or not you are invited to an onsite interview. Patients want a physician who treats them like an individual and not just another medical problem or lab experiment in their office. Recommended Tool Preparing for a Phone Interview. Use this tool to prepare for a phone interview, acquire the information needed to assess the fit of the organization to your needs and interests, and better position yourself for an invitation to an onsite interview. SECTION II: T MINUS TWO YEARS CAREER AND LIFE PLANNING GUIDEBOOK FOR MEDICAL RESIDENTS 254