Career and Life Planning Guidebook for Medical Residents

R E A D : Creating Your Timeline The purpose of this timeline is to provide a roadmap of your search journey. For each of the major phases, indicate the timeframe you will spend on that phase by writing the month(s) and year in the space provided. For each activity, identify a desired start and finish date and once complete, check it off and move on. Some activities may be more specific to finding a job after your residency training; however, a majority of the timeline can be adapted to the fellowship search process aswell. MILESTONE START FINISH MILESTONE START FINISH Create a transition plan Schedule 2nd interviews, if applicable Identify your life, money and career core values and priorities Prepare for interviews Understand how a healthcare system operates Select a job offer Researchphysiciancompensation markets Negotiate your offer, if applicable Identify and prioritize desired business model, i.e. hospital employed, solo-practice, group practice Start practicing Identify practice and community must haves Relocate Write / Update your CV, cover letter and gather references Buy a home, if applicable Identify search strategy methods to uncover viable options, i.e. job boards, 3rd party recruiters, networking… Get your finances in order with a spending, savings and investment plan Schedule and conduct phone interview Obtain Licensure, Credentials Schedule onsite interviews Study and take board exam SECTION I: T MINUS THREE YEARS CAREER AND LIFE PLANNING GUIDEBOOK FOR MEDICAL RESIDENTS 22