Career and Life Planning Guidebook for Medical Residents

R E A D : Proofing A good way to confirm that each letter flows and that grammar and punctuation is correct, ask a colleague or friend to proofread it. Also make sure that your letter fits the position for which you are applying. You don’t want to say you’re interested in an academic practice when you’re applying to a 100% clinical position! Regardless of the length of the letter, proof the contents and check your letter for action, much like you did for your CV. Examine your sentences and see if you have used a variety of action verbs, like the ones below: Accomplished Advised Authored Chaired Collaborated Collected Coordinated Developed Established Facilitated Generated Instructed Investigated Managed Motivated Organized Participated Performed Produced Represented Researched Supervised Taught Trained Volunteered Note: You will only be using particular verbs depending on what type of setting you are applying for. You don’t need to use verbs which focus on research and teaching when you are applying for a clinic-based opportunity. Regardless of the length of the letter, proof the contents and check your letter for action, much like you did for your CV. SECTION II: T MINUS TWO YEARS CAREER AND LIFE PLANNING GUIDEBOOK FOR MEDICAL RESIDENTS 208