Career and Life Planning Guidebook for Medical Residents

Why you? – SAMPLE 4 (vision to build a practice) I am currently chief resident (PGY5) at [Name of Residency Program, under the chairmanship of [First Last Name, MD Each year, our program usually has two fellows; however, this past year, I’ve been the only breast surgery fellow. This provided a unique opportunity to greatly increase my surgical experience and abilities. I believe my work ethic and additional experience in fellowship will help me build a sustainable, long-term practice sooner than most of the graduating fellows. Why you? – SAMPLE 5 (niche practice) I am searching for a position in family medicine with surgical OB in an underserved area. I would like to build a sustainable practice of caring for 20 or more patients per day and two to four deliveries per month. Currently, I am completing an OB fellowship at [Name of Residency Program] and upon completion of my program, my case logs with include approximately: XXX primary vaginal deliveries ● XX primary c-sections ● XX first assists Part III – The Hook: The hook is your chance to impress the employers even further by showing them that you care enough to do some background research on the company, and how you can contribute to their mission. Here, you can tie in current events, information about the company’s history, core values, and mission statement. Use this paragraph to define specific examples of the work performed and results achieved. This paragraph should be connected to your CV. The Hook – SAMPLE 1: After reading [Name of Employer’s] statement of purpose, “…the belief that access to quality health care is a basic human right, and that the quality of life in our communities can be improved through perseverance and working together to provide compassionate services to all those in need…”, I am excited to say we share a common philosophy. I am searching for a family medicine with surgical OB to care for the underserved community and provide exceptional health care. I’m interested in learning more about joining your dynamic team. The Hook – SAMPLE 2: As I read your CEO message on [Employer’s] website, I found one part to really resonate with me: “[Name of Employer] has evolved over the years, but one thing has remained consistent–our commitment to ensuring patients receive personalized and high-quality care.” As long as I could remember, I wanted to become a physician and could not deny the fact that medicine is my calling. After a decade of training to become a physician, I believe I can provide patients with personalized, high quality care. I believe I will be an excellent colleague, employee, and leader in the community. The Hook – SAMPLE 3: Recently, I came across an article in U.S. News ranking the best hospitals of 2018-2019 and noticed [Name of Employer] ranked as one of the top Trauma I hospitals in the US. I am confident my experience and training at a level one trauma center has prepared me to perform a comprehensive array of surgical procedures. I have been exposed to a wide variety of cases including, but not limited to: [ x, y, z]. I have also encountered some of the most challenging types of trauma cases ranging from gunshot wounds to severe motor vehicle accidents. SECTION II: T MINUS TWO YEARS CAREER AND LIFE PLANNING GUIDEBOOK FOR MEDICAL RESIDENTS 206