Career and Life Planning Guidebook for Medical Residents

R E A D : The Digital CV More often than not, employers require that candidates submit application materials electronically, including: CVs, cover letters, and letters of recommendation, among other relevant materials. This is no surprise, considering the tremendous number of applicants that any position can draw. Electronic application databases allow committees to quickly scan and process the documents, providing a greater deal of Submitting Application Materials One of the basic rules physicians need to follow is reading directions carefully. We’ve all heard horror stories about patients receiving wrong-side surgery or receiving devastating, but inaccurate, diagnoses. Applying for first attending position is one of the most important steps in your medical career; take the time to read the directions thoroughly! Read all job postings and/or applications carefully and follow the directions exactly as they are written. Most employers today request that CVs and application materials be submitted electronically, and you may be asked to upload to a secure application portal. If this is the case, don’t call to see if they accept paper applications; by the same token, do not call the committee chair to ask if they accept applications electronically if they request that your dossier be submitted by mail. It would be devastating to miss out on your “dream” opportunity simply because you didn’t follow directions. You’ve come this far. You only have one chance to make a good first impression – whether it’s on paper or in person. If you’re likemost candidates, you’ll apply tomultiple positions. Use a tool you’ve likely mastered by now: organization. Keep your records straight. We recommendmaking separate folders, either physical or electronic, to store all your application materials. Once you are licensed, create another folder clearly labeled “licenses/board certification” so you know where your information is at a moment’s notice. This will serve you well not only in applying for jobs but for the multitude of credentialing processes you will need to go through once hired. Your CV should remain relatively unchanged regardless of where you’re applying with the exception of the minor tweak here or there to highlight this or that. SECTION II: T MINUS TWO YEARS CAREER AND LIFE PLANNING GUIDEBOOK FOR MEDICAL RESIDENTS 188