Career and Life Planning Guidebook for Medical Residents

How toWorkWith a Recruitment Firm A recruitment firm can be a valuable tool if utilized properly: Before you entrust your CV and your reputation to a recruiter, determine how they will identify positions that meet your criteria and how they will help you during your search. Work with only one or two firms/recruiters. Workingwith multiple firms will not increase your chances of finding your ideal position; on the contrary, it may work against you. An employer who receives your CV from multiple recruiters may see you as a desperate candidate no one else wants. Give your recruiter a concise, up-to-date CV, three recent letters of reference, your list of priorities, and your “elevator speech.” This will allow the recruiter to represent you with detail and accuracy. Establish phone call guidelines with the recruiter including the best time to reach you, and a designated number. Return calls promptly and at least once per day. Make it clear to your recruiter that they must discuss a position with you before submitting your CV. Your CV should not be presented for a job in which you have no interest. If the employer is interested in you, the recruiter should tell you who will call and when, so you can be prepared to ask and answer questions. Consider your recruiter a coach who can provide valuable advice on interviewing, asking and responding to questions, identifying red-flag situations, and negotiating contracts. In spite of the competition, many in-house recruiters and agency recruiters work together to source quality physician candidates. Search Strategy 159 WWW.PHYSICIANCAREERPLANNING.COM