Career and Life Planning Guidebook for Medical Residents

Recommended Tool Understanding Business Arrangements Use this tool to learn the pros and cons of the five different business models and identify and utilize indicators on which model may suite you best. Academic Or Clinical Medicine Doctors in academia have a completely different career than doctors in clinical medicine. Most of the patients seen by academic physicians are referral patients and have rare or more advanced problems. Academic physicians mainly work in tertiary care facilities in big cities. They teach residents and medical students. Research and publications are also a requirement in this position. The clinical doctor can be found in any size city. They see the bread and butter cases in their specialty, they establish long-term relationships with their patients, send the most difficult patients to a tertiary care facility, and have the life of a typical doctor in the minds of most people. Small Town Or Big City This is a very important choice. Make sure that both you and your spouse are on the same page here. If either one of you is not happy with the city in which you live, you will eventually move to a location that you both can enjoy. Since you want to avoid job changes, be sure to get this one right. Small town life is way different than big city life. The life you would lead in NewYork City is very different from the life you would lead in Cody, Wyoming. Which is more appealing to you? The big city has a higher cost of living, more cultural events, lots of shopping, more diversity, public transportation, traffic jams, and more specialists. A physician in a big city will likely be unknown and anonymous. Small towns have a slower pace, less traffic, less crime, cleaner air; you will likely live close to work, have a lower cost of living, you will see friends and neighbors at the grocery store, and you might be right next to outdoor activities that you love. In the small town, you are likely to be well known and one of the wealthier people in town. Small town life is way different than big city life. Life, Money and Career Priorities 141 WWW.PHYSICIANCAREERPLANNING.COM